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Yarn/Wire Institute & Festival: Panel - Music in/of the Present (Stony Brook)

Staller Center Music Wing, Room 0113 (Basement)

Livestream at:


Judith Lochhead - Music Now: Sonic Imaginings of New Futures
Miki Kaneda - Do What you Love? Working in New Music After 2020
Anna Reguero - Renewed Romanticisms in Travis Laplante’s Inner Garden
William Robin - Rethinking Musical Minimalism

Click here to read the abstracts

Yarn/Wire is premised on the idea of music in and of the present: music that is created, performed, and heard in the contexts of the present.  Panelists consider how the creative aspects of composition, performance, spontaneous composition, and critical thought participate in the scenes of musical practice in the Twenty-First Century. Our focus will be on the scenes of music in the field of what might be construed as “contemporary classical music,” but our goals will be to consider the broader contexts in which a “new” classical music tradition functions as an integral part of music making in the present.